Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sundays with Spud Presents: Any Moment Now

Can I ask you something?...
If one thing leads to another, and everything happens for a reason. Then you are supposed to be here, regardless if for forever... or a season. Right?... But only God's forever is forever, so if I promise you forever its best to not believe me. And the closer you get to me, is quite possibly one you’ll take to leave me... Or maybe you're just here for this moment only. Only to hear what I have to say, only to return to your life when I'm finished. Only to fill in your space, unearthed, without my words impacting your day. Unblemished. But if, one thing leads to another and everything happens for a reason. Then we are supposed to be together right now. And that's what I'm choosing to believe in. Because a…

A smile can equal a tear,
a crash gives way to flight,
bravery is the same as fear,
and darkness is the easiest place to find light.

So I embrace each second, each breath, each emotion… each moment. I want the moments, that only last a moment, still I wish they would last forever... God's forever. And once its gone, for that same moment I would do… whatever. See, in a moments time you can come to realize what's most important to you, who you are, who others are. It is these moments… these moments that are both most precious and most forgotten. It is the time in which we witness…

The brightest star, in night so dim.
A smiling face, with heart so grim.
And daytime’s torch, who’s light not forced,
broadens life on its treacherous course.

And of course… A moment. Our lives are defined by them. One moment leads to another… and we experience them for a reason. Whether in the cold fronting us now, or the warmth of last season. You can make the case that you are no longer your yesterday, but only if you have changed your today… in hopes of a better tomorrow. Sure its true that no time is more important than right now. But, there are some moments that change your life forever, moments you'll never forget regardless of reason. And there will come a moment when no other matters before... or there after. And if it takes it... I will wait the rest of my life for that moment.

 You can follow him on twitter at.

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